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Dreams come true...Two-part split payment NOW OPEN!

For a Limited Time...

Who Wants To Be…
The “Millionaire’s Apprentice”
Apprentices Making THOUSANDS Daily With His Simple $1K Per Day Blueprint!
Two-part split payment of - 2 x $1100.00 ($2,200.00) total payment


From the desk of:
Michael Cheney
Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Dear Fellow Entrepreneur, 
Let me ask you something...

Do you feel like you've been chasing the dream of financial freedom forever,

And yet after all these years… You STILL have NOTHING to show for it?

Are you sick of being sold on flashy, overhyped "opportunities"

That ALL end up just leaving you even more broke?

Well, it's time to STOP playing that game!

It’s time to START winning.

And I’m about to tell you EXACTLY how…

I’m offering a select few a limited opportunity to “partner” with a multi-millionaire…

And acquire a seat in the ultimate, done-for-you system that's already helped countless people (just like you) own a thriving business and finally achieve financial success.
Introducing… The Millionaire’s Apprentice!
The Millionaire's Apprentice is a done-for-you business program that has been PROVEN to take you from where you are now to where you want to be.

But there IS a catch…

Not everyone will qualify.

And this is an application-only opportunity.

We can (and WILL) reject ANYONE who isn’t a fit.

And as a multi-millionaire, (who isn’t getting any younger),

TIME is my most precious resource… So I absolutely refuse to waste it!

That’s why you WILL have to jump through hoops to get selected, no exceptions…

(Sorry, not sorry. That’s just the way it is).


If you are one of the lucky ones.

This day WILL be THE pivotal turning point of your life.

You will look back and remember it as the day EVERYTHING changed for you!

For the talented few who fight their way past my gatekeepers and make it into the ranks…

You can, quite literally, sit back and enjoy the rest of your life as a “made man.”
REMINDER: The Millionaire’s Apprentice is a completely done-for-you business. That means we handle ALL the heavy lifting for you, so you can focus on enjoying the fruits of your (aka OUR) labor. That’s why it is… quite literally… IMPOSSIBLE to fail!
If that sounds like a dream come true to you…

Keep reading.
The Success Shortcut Your Boss Hopes You NEVER Hear About!
Join The Millionaire’s Apprentice Program
One-time payment of Just - $1997.00


Two-part split payment of - 2 x $1100.00 ($2,200.00) total payment


The Success Shortcut Your Boss Hopes You NEVER Hear About!
The Success Shortcut Your Boss
Hopes You NEVER Hear About!
*(TRIGGER WARNING: Highly Controversial Memo Included)*
I’m about to say something so offensive, so controversial, so incredibly outrageous…

That it is 100% GUARANTEED to piss you off!

Seriously, this will cost me some fans…

But it NEEDS to be said.


Here it goes…
Success is Simple!
There, I said it.

And I meant every word.

Bold claim, I know, but I’ll back it up.

And no, I’m not going to tell you it’s just hard work (it isn’t).

I work VERY few hours with my current business and still make millions.

It’s also not about the latest tips, tricks, hacks or tactics…

(Don’t even get me started on fake gooroo courses!)

You see, the big shot pros ALL agree

There’s one surefire


Path to success.

And it actually is SIMPLE…

And it sure ain’t one of those!

But don’t want you to take my word for it…

(I’m just the humble guy who made a cool 10 million doing it)

Instead, listen to the guy I borrowed it from… who also happens to be the world’s wealthiest investor. This is what he had to say about the EXACT same method I use…
“I’ve found success is not about how hard you row, it’s about what boat you’re in”
- Warren Buffett
“I’ve found success is not about how hard you row, it’s about what boat you’re in”
- Warren Buffett
The “Oracle of Omaha” has around 100 BILLION reasons to listen to him.

But what does that even mean?

I’ll tell you…

And explain how you can use Buffett’s plan to set yourself up FOR LIFE!

But first,

I want to ask you a question…

Do you ever think back to your first job?

I’ll bet ya’ a buck it was probably pretty miserable…

But there was still just something exhilarating about the idea of… Unlimited Potential.

As a kid, you just KNEW you could work hard and climb the ranks to eventually run the whole 
company… right?

After all, you were 100x smarter than the buffoons bossing everyone around…


That’s not exactly how it worked out, was it?

Now, 15, 20, maybe 25 years later,

The only thing you are running…

Is low on patience.

It’s not fair.

(Life rarely is…)

But do you wonder sometimes…


You had so much potential… BUT,

No one EVER recognized it!

No one EVER took a chance on you…

No one EVER let you show just what an impact you could have.

Do you ever find yourself wondering why some people seem to have all the luck?

They have the perfect family, the perfect home, the perfect life.


You struggle to make ends meet and wonder WHEN your time will ever come.

And sometimes it feels like TIME is the one thing you are running out of the fastest.

It's beyond frustrating, isn't it?

You have:
  • The experience
  • The skills
  • The drive
Everything it takes to be successful…

But you just NEVER had that one big breakthrough.

It probably keeps you up at night, wondering where it all went so wrong.

(HINT: It’s actually NOT your fault at all… I’ll tell you what the EXACT problem is in just a moment… AND how to change it!)

But here's the thing – success is not a matter of luck.
Success is when preparation meets opportunity.
Now hold your nose…

Because here comes the cold water.

You will NEVER be successful just working that 9-to-5 job.

Let’s hear from our old pal WB again and see what he has to say about it.
“If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
- Warren Buffett
“If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
- Warren Buffett
That’s why you are still stuck, and no matter how hard you keep working…

And you’ll STAY stuck as long as you keep working that “safe” job.

(In spite of what they told you in college…)

Yes, hard work does pay off…

But… NOT by itself… it needs another ingredient.

And that missing ingredient is…
The ONE Thing Keeping You From Your Potential!
Take a moment to think about this…

The ONLY reason Warren Buffet is…

…Well, Warren Buffet.

Is NOT because he’s so smart, (even though he is way smarter than the Average Joe)

According to Buffet himself

The REASON he is so MASSIVELY successful…

Is because as a kid, he connected with a professor named Dr. Benjamin Graham.

Now Ben Graham was a famous finance professor in New York…

And he was connected to EVERYONE on Wall Street.

Young Buffet begged to work with him…

(He could have learned from Graham’s books… in fact, he already HAD!)

But he wanted something else from Dr. Benjamin Graham that couldn’t be found in a textbook…
And it was the ONE thing that was the key to his success!


What did he want…

What did he get…

WHY does it matter?

And how do YOU get it!?

Well, FIRST…
I’m going to REMIND you what it ISN’T
  • It isn’t about how hard you work…
  • It definitely isn’t about WHAT you know… And (this is going to shock you)...
  • It’s really not even about having a “mentor” necessarily…
And maybe you’ve already figured this out already…

But if not,
The ONE thing missing is… MOMENTUM!
That’s the REAL reason why…
WHO you know is 1000x more important than WHAT you know!
Warren Buffet was already an EXTREMELY smart trader

But he wanted to leverage the success of Ben Graham’s already working system of “Value Investing” to jump start his success and basically “start at the finish line.”

That’s the REAL reason why…

Proximity IS Power!

You can tap into the momentum of something that is ALREADY working…

Shortcutting the process by years, or even DECADES!
And Success is basically GUARANTEED!
But MOST people don’t get this opportunity early in their careers…

That’s WHY they get stuck in a dead end job for an incompetent boss they can’t stand.

And I’m willing to bet that’s exactly where you are stuck at right now…

You see, I know better than ANYONE exactly how you feel.

I got looked over for promotions for years,

I was totally invisible at work.


I had $10 MILLION dollars worth of potential locked away inside me!

If anyone… ANYONE… would had taken a chance on me back then,

It would have been like buying 1979 Apple shares,

From that hippie kid named Steve.
But they didn’t.
So I had to forge my own path and create my own opportunities.

($10 million dollars worth… AND counting).

And recently, I started thinking…

About the legacy I want to leave behind.

I thought about all the people who could have changed my miserable life back then,

…If ONLY they had believed in me!

You see,

That’s why I’ve decided I want to take a few people…

And give them the opportunity I NEVER had back then.
I’m basically giving a few lucky people a profitable turn-key business…
And an opportunity for GUARANTEED success!
You see,

All I needed to do back then was to connect with the right person,

And everything else would have fallen into place…

(Obviously, I already had the potential)

But I lacked momentum.

I just needed someone who believed in me enough to hand me the keys

To a healthy business that was already working…

And I would have made them RICH!

(And myself as well)


No one ever did.

That’s why I had to build my empire myself….

From scratch… from the ground up!


Here’s the REALLY good news…

You don’t have to do that!

(that's where my new opportunity comes into play for you.)

I’m calling it, “The Millionaire’s Apprentice.”

This IS going to be the catalyst that changes EVERYTHING for you:
  • In Your Career Opportunities
  • In Your Relationships
  • In Your Finances
  • In Your Life!
Imagine for a moment that you start over as the owner of a business that is GUARANTEED to succeed. 

Developed by someone who has made $10 Million Dollars with the same model!

A business that automatically gives you the advantage of my 20 years of experience,

A business built on the techniques that made me $10 million dollars,

A business that can LITERALLY change your entire life!

With The Millionaire’s Apprentice,

You’ll gain access to a turnkey business opportunity…

Built on the same tools and strategies I use to build MY successful business,

But that's not all.

Imagine you get that opportunity…

With all the wisdom and experience you have today!?

That’s why only the best qualified candidates will be selected for this incredible opportunity.

Giving something this powerful to an inexperienced kid is a recipe for disaster!

(Imagine handing the keys to a Ferrari over to your 16-year-old)

That’s why I’m looking for people with experience…

And I’m only selecting the most qualified.


Because, THAT is a recipe for guaranteed success!

That’s why I’m going to invest in YOU!

I’m going to hand over the keys

To a turn-key business…

So safe and so risk free that I can GUARANTEE you’ll make money!


How can I make a claim that INSANE?

Because you’re basically just borrowing a piece of MY business, and it has 20 years and $10 million 
dollars worth of money making momentum driving it like an F1 Race Car!

If you are chosen for one of the spots…

You won’t ever again have to listen to your terrible, incompetent boss…

You won’t ever again have to lay awake at night, wondering how to pay the bills.

For the first time in your life, YOU will control your own destiny!

You will answer to NO ONE.

This is YOUR business…

And you have the power to make it as successful as you want it to be.

So if you are tired of working for someone else and feeling like you're stuck in a dead-end job…

And if you are ready to take control of your financial future and build a business that gives you true freedom and flexibility…

But the idea of starting your own business is just too overwhelming…

This is the PERFECT solution for you!

Our business-in-a-box system gives you everything you need to own your own successful business, without all the guesswork or the hassle.

And if you’ve already felt the pain of trying to start a business from scratch in the past,

Only to watch it struggle to gain momentum and then slowly fail.

You’ll understand how POWERFUL this system is!

With the Millionaire’s Apprentice…

(IF you are accepted),

You get access to a proven system that's already helped countless entrepreneurs achieve financial 
freedom and success.

Imagine having your own business that generates passive income daily,

Without the headaches of:

- Managing inventory,
- Handling customer service,
- Or complicated and expensive marketing.

With the Millionaire's Apprentice,

You get EVERYTHING you could possibly need to succeed in one convenient package
This is literally the EXACT business in a box I will hand my own son…
(Just as soon as he’s old enough to appreciate it!)
I’ve leveraged my entire 20 years and $10 million dollar’s worth of experience…

I’ve deployed my entire world class team to build it FOR you…

The ONLY thing left for you to do is…


(...IF you are chosen)

So if you're ready to take your destiny and your financial future into your own hands, then the 
Millionaire's Apprentice is the business-in-a-box system you've been looking for.

Apply today for the chance to build the life and business of your dreams!
Here's a taste of what you can expect from The Millionaire’s Apprentice
  • Automatic Passive Income within 24 Hours - No Work Required  (Value: $2000)
  • The Do Nothing, Get Paid Money Service (Value: $3000)
  • Instant Money-Making Bestsellers for Time-Crunched Marketers (Value: $3000)
  • ​$10k/mo. Map For Millionaires Apprenticeship Program (Value: $1000)
  • The No-Person-Left-Behind, Guaranteed Success System
  • Access To The Millionaires High Ticket Commissions  (Value: $10,000)

One-time payment of Just - $1997.00


Two-part split payment of - 2 x $1100.00 ($2,200.00) total payment


But that's just the beginning…

Here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

"Michael, you are a genius, and I use that word rarely. Your friend and fan."

- Mark Joyner -

Multi-#1 Bestselling Author
and Founder of Simpleology

"I wanted to work with a proven leader... and it made all the difference in the world. You have to find guys who have what you want and know what you need to know. Michael is one of those guys."

- Eric Green -

West Virginia, USA

"Michael literally handed me over a
seven-figure blueprint. He is the one person online that I can say without a shadow of a doubt is the REAL DEAL.

Someone who genuinely cares about his students' success. To say this was worth it, is a major understatement.

It was a life changing decision."

- Ben Martin -

Columbus, Ohio, USA

"What Michael's doing is really simple.
He didn't hold anything back - really sincere and authentic.

He has a whole lot of experience and sometimes you need someone like Michael to point you the way.

I really love what he's doing now. This is practical and implementable."

- Marlon Sanders -

San Antonio, Texas, USA

Are you ready to join the ranks of these successful entrepreneurs?

Are you ready to own your own business, control your own success and transform your life?

If so, then don't wait – Apply today!
Reminder, here's what you'll get if accepted:
  • Automatic Passive Income within 24 Hours - No Work Required (Value: $2000)
  • The Do Nothing, Get Paid Money Service (Value: $3000)
  • Instant Money-Making Bestsellers for Time-Crunched Marketers (Value: $3000)
  • ​​$10k/mo. Map For Millionaires Apprenticeship Program (Value: $1000)
  • ​​​The No-Person-Left-Behind, Guaranteed Success System
  • Access To The Millionaires High Ticket Commissions (Value: $10,000)

One-time payment of Just - $1997.00


Two-part split payment of - 2 x $1100.00 ($2,200.00) total payment


But that's not all. 

When you join The Millionaire’s Apprentice today, you'll also receive these exclusive FAST ACTION bonuses:
Bonus #1
24 Hour Done For You
Traffic And List - (Value: $2,000)
24 Hour Done For You Traffic And List - (Value: $2000)
You're also getting the 24 Hour Done For You Traffic And List

With this we will promote your link to get you hands-free traffic and get you subscribers.

This is not us teaching you how to get traffic. This is us getting traffic and subscribers for you.

This has a value of $2,000.

If you were to try and get any of these components in the marketplace right now, or build them yourself with years of experience this is what they would cost you - bare minimum.
Bonus #2
Seven-Day Guaranteed Traffic and
Sales Explosion - (Value: $7,000)
7-Day Guaranteed Traffic and Sales Explosion - (Value: $7,000)
You also get the Seven-Day Guaranteed Traffic and Sales Explosion worth $7,000.
Up until now all of these components are entirely done for you.

This component is optional - for those of you that go through the members area and follow each of the simple steps.

If you launch your own product in the way that we show you in the members area, I will personally promote it for seven days, guaranteeing you sales and commissions and 1000s of leads.

This is worth at least $7,000 - not just in sales, but also in the credibility of having my name attached to promoting your product.

Other big name partners will want to jump on board as well, when they see that I'm promoting it.

This is included for you as a member of the Program.
Bonus #3
10k Per Month Beastmode
Blueprint - (Value: $1,000)
10k Per Month Beastmode Blueprint - (Value: $1,000)
You also get access to the 10,000 Per Month Beastmode Blueprint worth $1,000

This is a simple step by step blueprint, which shows you how to take your business up to $10,000 a month.

You get this as well as a member.
Bonus #4
Hands-On Helpers Taking Care of You (for Life!)  (Value: $2,000)
Hands On Technical Helpers Taking Care Of You - (Value: $2,000)
You also get On Helpers Taking Care of You (for Life!) worth a value of $2,000.

This is not just any support. These are our full-time members of staff, some of which have been with me for well over 10 years.

And they're on standby to help you.

If you get stuck, you reach out to them and they will create a personalised video for you to show you what to do.

There's a real-world value on this of $2,000.

You won't get this level of support anywhere else.
Bonus #5
King of the Jungle - Celebrity Introductions - (Value: $2,000)
VIP Introduction to Marketing Celebrities
 - (Value: $2,000)
You also get instant marketing celebrity status.

This is a VIP Introduction To Marketing Celebrities, My Partners worth $2,000

It is a little bit like an old boys network in internet marketing.

It's not what you know, but who you know. And with this component, you get to unlock all the contacts inside my cell phone that I have on speed dial.

I will make those introductions for you to the biggest names and celebrities in internet marketing, which will open doors of huge opportunity for you.
Bonus #6
From 10k A Month To 100k Per Month
Fast Track Checklist - (Value $1,000)
From 10k A Month To 100k Per Month Fast Track Checklist - (Value $1,000)
Accelerate from $10K per month to $100K month... 

We will give you this simple checklist which can take your business from $10,000 a month, up to $100,000 a month in record time. 

Direct map which takes you right to the money!
Bonus #7
Fast-Track to Financial Freedom - (Value $850)
When I started my business, I was also at work and I managed to get out of that job extremely quickly. 

This bonus shows you how to.... 

- Fire your boss as quick as possible
- Build sustainable “parachute profits” so you can make the leap in record time
- Easy hacks on how to grow your side income while still working

Bonus #8
The Partner Pleaser - (Value $500) - This is perhaps the most valuable bonus of all because it's a personal letter written by my wife, to your wife or your partner.
The Partner Pleaser -
(Value $500) - This is perhaps the most valuable bonus of all because it's a personal letter written by my wife, to your wife or your partner.
She tells the story of what it was like when I first started out, 

- how she had doubts, 

- how she was worried and stressed, 

- how she didn't believe it was going to work, 

and she questioned whether I was doing the right thing.

But then how the story changed and she was so glad that she stuck by my side had the confidence to believe and finally is now living the life of her dreams thanks to the internet marketing business that I built.

This letter is like gold dust to you.

You can show this to your partner to get them on side so that they have your back and you can focus on achieving success. 

And you get this along with the other bonuses.
Now let's talk about the guarantees
Guarantee #1. You get our Powerful Patented And Pinhead Repelling, No Refund Guarantee.
Here's how this works…

People who are thinking of how they may be able to refund before they even join a Program will never succeed. They are the pinheads who take no responsibility for their actions.

There are no refunds on this because once it's seen, it cannot be unseen.

We actually ask you to sign a document before you get access promising you will not divulge this proprietary information to anyone else.

Spies are everywhere and we can't have people coming in stealing our patented powerful formula and then running to the hills.

Once someone gets their hands on this secret blueprint, they can copy our entire business model and make millions.

It's easy to steal so we work hard to protect it from probers and pinheads.

We're going to be exposing the inner workings of our entire business and as a result all sales are final. 

If you're not serious then don't join. But if you are, boy, are you going to make a killing.

So put your mind completely at ease and literally remove all the risk for you.

We also have a second guarantee.
Guarantee #1. You get our Powerful Patented And Pinhead Repelling, No Refund Guarantee.
Here's how this works…

People who are thinking of how they may be able to refund before they even join a Program will never succeed. They are the pinheads who take no responsibility for their actions.

There are no refunds on this because once it's seen, it cannot be unseen.

We actually ask you to sign a document before you get access promising you will not divulge this proprietary information to anyone else.

Spies are everywhere and we can't have people coming in stealing our patented powerful formula and then running to the hills.

Once someone gets their hands on this secret blueprint, they can copy our entire business model and make millions.

It's easy to steal so we work hard to protect it from probers and pinheads.

We're going to be exposing the inner workings of our entire business and as a result all sales are final. If you're not serious then don't join. But if you are, boy, are you going to make a killing.

So put your mind completely at ease and literally remove all the risk for you.

We also have a second guarantee.
Guarantee #2. The “I Will Force You To Make 10k A Month Whether You Like It Or Not” Guarantee.
If after flipping the switch on the system and implementing it in the way we teach for 90 days, you've not made $10K or you feel you don't possess everything you need to scale to $10K a month, then I will personally work with you one on one free of charge until you do.

You must of course follow all the steps in the program members area.

But literally the worst thing that can happen is you have a multimillionaire which is me working for you to make you $10K a month and I wouldn't even offer this guarantee if this didn't work.

I don't make a habit of giving guidance and coaching for free.

The reason I offer this guarantee is because the Program works and it works every single time.

This system has a 100% success rate because it works and we're very selective about who we accept.

Everyone who joins makes sales, guaranteed, within hours of joining.

Everyone who follows the simple steps makes the money it's paid by numbers. There's no risk, no uncertainty and no unknowns.

You just implement the system and the money comes out the other side. Simple.

And here's a third guarantee for you…
Guarantee #2. The “I Will Force You To Make 10k A Month Whether You Like It Or Not” Guarantee.
If after flipping the switch on the system and implementing it in the way we teach for 90 days, you've not made $10K or you feel you don't possess everything you need to scale to $10K a month, then I will personally work with you one on one free of charge until you do.

You must of course follow all the steps, attend all the live sessions, or at least watch the recordings and implement all the simple steps.

But literally the worst thing that can happen is you have a multimillionaire which is me working for you to make you $10K a month and I wouldn't even offer this guarantee if this didn't work.

I don't make a habit of giving guidance and coaching for free.

The reason I offer this guarantee is because the Program works and it works every single time.

This system has a 100% success rate because it works and we're very selective about who we accept.

Everyone who joins makes sales, guaranteed, within hours of joining.

Everyone who follows the simple steps makes the money it's paid by numbers. There's no risk, no uncertainty and no unknowns.

You just implement the system and the money comes out the other side. Simple.

And here's a third guarantee for you…
Guarantee #3. Your Jaw To The Floor Guaranteed Sales Within 24 Hours Of Joining Guarantee
Yes. You are guaranteed to make your first sales within 24 hours of joining the Program.

You must follow the simple steps and the first step takes about 10 minutes and is literally tell us where to send your money and you will get paid within 24 hours of joining

This means you are protected with not one not two but THREE ironclad guarantees when you join.
Guarantee #3. Your Jaw To The Floor Guaranteed Sales Within 24 Hours Of Joining Guarantee
Yes. You are guaranteed to make your first sales within 24 hours of joining the Program.

You must follow the simple steps and the first step takes about 10 minutes and is literally tell us where to send your money and you will get paid within 24 hours of joining

This means you are protected with not one not two but THREE ironclad guarantees when you join.
So what’s this going to cost me?
Well, let’s do a little napkin math and figure it out.

If you are accepted, I’m going to push/pull/drag you kicking and screaming if I have to, ‘til your biz is at $10K per month revenue.

As my apprentice, I will FORCE you to succeed!

But first, let’s look at the opportunity cost if you choose NOT to work with me today,

It’s going to cost you approximately:
$10,000/month x 12 months = $120,000 Per Year
That means NOT getting started with me today…
Would be a $1.2 MILLION dollar MISTAKE!
(And that’s just over the next decade)

On the other side of that napkin, there’s the cash required to punch your ticket to absolute financial certainty and get a $10K/mo business built for you and handed over on a silver platter…

We felt like a fair price for that would be the amount that you earn in one month, so we settled on approximately $10,000 USD.

There’s NOWHERE on the planet right now you can get THAT much value for that price!

(And people have gladly paid me that, and MORE, in the past for the same thing)

But after talking it over with my wife, we decided to do something crazy.

Instead of charging what you would earn in one month,

We thought we’d charge what you earn in a week!

That’s right, we slashed the price by 75%

And for just $2500, you’re in!

Once you click this buy button,

Your financial worries and stresses are OVER!

Because you will have taken clear and decisive action,

To secure your spot with the MOST successful group of earners in this space!

So we all agreed on the CRAZY price, built the page, set up the cart, and got ready to launch.

But then something happened,

I realized that I wanted to reward fast action takers,

So I adjusted the price to give you a reward for getting in today!

If you jump in now, I’m knocking another $503 bucks off the price for you!

Just to recap…

The cost of clicking away and NOT taking action = $120,000 per year in LOST income.

The investment to start your business today = $10,000 … ONLY $1997!

I can honestly say that this is the BEST deal online, anywhere!

But because I know money can be tight,

I wanted to be as flexible as possible…

So if you need some slack

I’ve got you covered!
For some people I can arrange financing…
So you can potentially join today for ZERO out of pocket!
Meaning, there are basically ZERO excuses not to get started right now!

You basically have two options right now…

Keep your cash and miss out on the ONE thing that has been holding you back…

(That’s costing you $120k or MORE per year in lost income)

Or you invest about 1/10th of what you can make in a single month after you get started…

And gain the financial peace of mind that comes from knowing you made the right decision for your financial future!

Look, I don’t want you to struggle anymore.

That’s why I created The Millionaire’s Apprentice program.

All you have to do is click this button to get started…

And my team will take care of the rest!

By this time next year,

You could be in the exact same place you are now…

Or you could be one of the “lucky ones” (that you used to envy).

The ones who:

- Plugged into the right opportunity…
- “Borrowed” that momentum…
- Got MASSIVE success…

So, you can stay right where you are right now
(aka, miserable)

Or you can become more successful than you ever imagined possible.

The choice is yours…

Choose wisely.

Michael Cheney
Join The Millionaire’s Apprentice Program

One-time payment of Just - $1997.00


Two-part split payment of - 2 x $1100.00 ($2,200.00) total payment


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